Flowering Dogwood - Benthamidia (Cornus) florida

Common Name: Flowering Dogwood
Botanical Name: Benthamidia (Cornus) florida
Category: Trees, Shrubs & Vines
Flower Color: White
Bloom Time: Spring
Soil Conditions: Well-drained, Moist , Average/Adaptable, Acidic
Exposure/Light Requirements: Partial Sun/Partial Shade, Full Sun
Foliage: Red/Purple Fall Color, Deciduous
Height: 12-20 feet
Wildlife: Mammals, Birds
Berry Color: Red
Description: Small tree 15-35 feet with low spreading branches, often wider than tall. Fall foliage color is red to reddish purple. Fruit is a glossy red cluster ripening in the fall and can persist through December. The berries are an important food source for bluebirds. In fact, many birds eat the fruit because it is high in protein. Prefers well-drained, acidic soils with mulch. Sun to partial shade. Great branch shape for winter accent!
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