Eastern Redbud - Cercis canadensis

Common Name: Eastern Redbud
Botanical Name: Cercis canadensis
Category: Trees, Shrubs & Vines
Flower Color: Purple, Pink
Bloom Time: Spring
Soil Conditions: Well-drained, Rich, Moist , Average/Adaptable
Exposure/Light Requirements: Partial Sun/Partial Shade, Full Sun
Foliage: Deciduous, Orange/Yellow Fall Color
Height: 30-60 feet
Wildlife: Butterflies and Other Pollinators
Description: Small, multi-stemmed tree that grows 20-30 feet tall with a 25-35 foot spread. Flowers are reddish purple in bud changing to rose pink with purple when open March-April. Yellow fall color. Soils acidic to basic. Needs to be moist but not wet.
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